Hey good people. I know I have not posted in a while but hey… here’s another article for you.

I want to start this series on being intentional.  Intent is something planned or purposed in advance. Being intentional is an active process that involves determining where you want to go and expelling energy in that direction in order to arrive at your destination. It is not a matter of drifting wherever life takes you but being deliberate in your actions with the purpose of achieving your vision. Intentional people have a vision in mind and strategize on how to achieve their goal. They expel energy in a given direction in order to achieve progress. Expulsion of energy without progress is essentially equivalent to no progress because energy expelled has been wasted. For progress to be made, expelled energy should yield progress in the direction made. If progress made is commensurate to the effort put in or you have yielded better results or have progressed more than expected with the effort put, then the concept of efficiency comes in. The first step to being intentional is having your goal in mind. The questions asked are :  ‘ what is my vision‘ and ‘how do i get there‘? These are some of the questions that need answers in order to start living an intentional life.

Hope you like this article.  Please feel free to share your thoughts on this subject.

Have a fantastic week.



Identity is something crucial. The question ‘Who am I’ is something we try to answer time and time again as we evolve in our mental capacity, our views in life, seasons in life and even physical growth from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.  Lack of identity is something that can lead to a crisis or loss of direction that results in many attempts to gain identity. When you say you are a child of God, you have your identity in Him. Therefore, when you know who you are in Him and whose you are, you should not have any identity crisis. This will lead to peace of mind and the ability to navigate through life with more direction and purpose.

Identity is powerful. The question is ‘Do you know who you are?’.

Be blessed.



The concept of brokenness is one that is undeniably interesting. Brokenness is a tool used to build someone up. The question remains, how can one be built up by being broken down? How can God tear down and in the process build you up? Brokenness has several components that form a necessary part in our christian walk with God and forms some crucial principles in growth and development in our lives.

It is no surprise that the Bible mentions a lot to deal with labour and giving birth. There is a reason to it. Possibly that the relationship between brokenness and bringing forth life are important.

Brokenness is a breach of integrity, scattering or a lack of cohesion. Brokenness is an essential part of the growth process. Picture a seed that is full of potential. If the seed does not get the water for it to start growing, then, pressure cannot build within it, the seed coat cannot soften and the root cannot break through to anchor the developing plant and later on the shoot which will help in sustaining the plant. If the first step in brokenness is not achieved, the seed will remain a seed devoid of fulfilling its own destiny of being a plant that can generate more seeds and thus multiply.

Brokeness happens at many points. In the seed, it occurs at the point where the root is coming out followed by the shoot.

The 2nd point of breakthrough is when the roots have to break through the soil to establish roots. It is a process of scattering the soil, or rather an invasion,  that makes room for the roots to gain wider ground, anchor firmly into the ground and establish a system where they can get more water and essential nutrients for sustainable growth and development. You need to be well grounded, have a firm foundation that can sustain your growth before you can be visible and help others. Once your basics are on point, your foundation is firm and steady, then , can you be of use to others. Otherwise, if that is not the case, you can be a danger to others because the foundation is not strong enough to sustain the weight gained associated with the growth. Eventually, everything comes tumbling down. In short, invest in your foundation that is commensurate or in line with the height you want to gain.

The third point of breakthrough is when the shoot grows from the soil to emerge at the surface of the soil. This is all about visibility. You have to be visible to grow. The shoot has to grow above the soil, develop leaves that becomes the site where food is made to sustain the plant. Without light, the plant cannot make food and will starve. For it to grow and to sustain the growth, the shoot must grow towards the light, develop more leaves and branches to expand its territory in order to sustain the growth to a point where it can produce fruit, an indicator of maturity. Visibility helps in sustaining growth. It puts you on the path towards getting more opportunities for growth. This exposure is advantageous if you have the right foundation or character that will put you on the path to continuous growth and development.

I hope this article will show you a new perspective on the importance of brokeness.





Grace is not meant to be abused, misused or confused for anything other than its intended purpose, showing unconditional love towards another inspite of the unfairness of a situation. The extention of grace to another is neither a sign of weakness nor is it a sign of cowardice, it is a reflection of the character of Christ, who, even in His rejection from humanity offers the opportunity of receiving life. Grace is a reflection of God’s unconditional love and by extending grace to others, we are reflecting His character. Grace is a concept that may not be clearly understood but, it is a necessary part of our christian walk that intertwines with forgiveness.

Grace is an aspect of love.



The most valueable resource that one can ever give is time. Time is a non renewable resource. Once gone, it is gone forever. Every living thing has a time limit on earth. Every season has a limit. We are supposed to thrive in those seasons instead of complaining. When we are in the midde of a season,  we can think time is stagnating. Things seem to move slowly but, each season lasts for a while and eventually comes to an end. Solomon in the book of Ecclastistes talks about there being a time for everything. What determines whether we thrive in the next season is how we use time in the previous season. For example, your flourishing in high school prepares you for college. College prepares you for working life. Working life exposes your interests and prepares you for specialization or postgraduate studies. Post graduate studies prepare you for a life that makes you a master of a certain art and you are seen as an expert. This domino effect may not be visible when you are in the high school season but in hindsight, it becomes obvious. The season of singleness is a strange yet powerful season.  When in the middle of this season, you may constantly have this tag of war especially if you desire marriage. The truth is, the season of singleness differs from person to person. It is tricky especially when you do not have an idea how long it will last. Unlike seasons like going to school when there is a definite fixed time, the season of singleness is undefined. Sometimes, people can get discouraged. But, during this season , we are meant to grow closer to God, thrive, discover who we are and prepare for marriage. Each person differs. Some are called to singleness while others are called to marriage while they are young and others enter into marriage later in life. It requires faith to patiently wait for God’s best.

The power of time is in the changing seasons and the utilization of time in each season which in time cause visible changes. Time is valueable.

Be awesome,stay awesome.




Dear all, as we come to the end of April and usher in May, we need to reflect on a few issues thus far. We are almost halfway into the year. It is incredible how fast time flies! I just wanted to take sometime to reflect on a very important issue. There is one thing that can hinder progress in life. One thing that lurks in the shadows, concealed yet saps out our joy, peace and self perception…. Curious what this be? …………

Lack of confidence. The ability to believe in yourself is important. It allows you to dare to seek opportunities available, it affects your perception of yourself and other’s perception about you. It affects  your quality of life. Lack of self confidence leads to living timidly. Fear holds you back. This leaves you feeling down, possibly depressed with no empowerment. Leading to a future possibly riddled with a lot of guilt and regret. So, shake off the fear, take up the shield of faith so that you can extinguish the fiery darts meant to cause you harm. Be aware of this one thing and make the necessary changes in your life to avoid it stealing your destiny.





More often than not, we live by faith without even knowing it. Many things we usually take for granted require us to live by faith. The promise of tomorrow requires faith. The thought of the next minute is living by faith because what we really know is that we have the here and now. We are not guaranteed of tomorrow. You see, faith is a really strange thing. The concept is different because it involves believing that what is unseen will come to pass. Dreams and aspirations require faith. You have an image in your mind but you want it to crystallize into reality. From the time of its conception to the time of its birth, you require faith to see it come to pass. It gives you the motivation to work towards achieving those dreams because you have that belief that what is initially seen in your mind will be seen one day as a reality. Life is all about living by faith.

Have a fantastic week ahead…





There are a lot of insecurities associated with a long waiting season when you start asking why you are not seeing a breakthrough in the area of your life you are interested in. It is very interesting how deception comes and changes our perspective of our loving Heavenly Father. The fact that you are precious to Him and the destiny He has you to fulfil is very important means that He (God) may limit associations that may sway you away from Him and the plan He has for you. Being hidden is a safe haven. You are put away intentionally from unwanted eyes until the time when someone or people who recognize your worth and value you come your way. Being hidden means that God values you way too much to let you get damaged by those who will not love you or value you they way He intended. So, be encouraged and know that God has your back and He is in control….




Decision making is probably one of the hardest things to do especially for issues that have lasting impact. If making a decision that can have a lifetime effect is already difficult, how about a decision that can last the whole of eternity? The decision making process is one where someone has the luxury of at least two alternatives to pick from. There is freedom to choose therefore, there is room for exercising this. It is interesting to see how decision making is one form of freedom that may not really be recognised as one, but it really is. Jesus gave us an opportunity to choose life by choosing to believe and follow Him. He died to give us a choice to choose life through His death. The interesting thing is that He does not force anyone to choose Him.

Easter is a commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of the unconditional love of God to give us a chance to choose Him, love Him and follow Him. Even through rejection, He gives us the opportunity to join Him.  Never forget that although Jesus experienced rejection which resulted to His death, He is willing to accept you and give you the reward of your choice which is eternal life. It all boils down to one word, CHOICE. Choices are powerful.


Happy Easter.




Is it possible to see beauty in ugliness? It sounds paradoxical right? But, is it possible? Think about it. Why would you find beauty in something perceived as ugly? The perception of beauty or ugliness is largely based on individual preferences although there are certain situations that are universally considered ugly. Yet, out of the ugly situations, beauty can arise. Some tough and unfair circumstances can either make us or break us depending on our attitudes towards it. In spite of the unfairness, guilt or heaviness arising from the ugliness of the situation, patience develops when waiting for a breakthrough, providence is seen and  resilience  is fostered. You can feel and see the love of God in action because what was intended to destroy you ends up building you and making you stronger. Can you think of any situation that can apply to this? Unconventional Beauty….. What’s your take on this?

Be blessed.
